The Countdown


Customer testimonials

"I’ve been working with DigitalOwl for a very long time and it’s one of my favorite companies that I work with."

Diana Greenberg

President of Total Financial

"DigitalOwl has revolutionized our claims and underwriting processes. It has reduced the amount of time it takes to review an APS and come to a decision."

Dan Brown

Chief Underwriter at The Baltimore Life Insurance

"DigitalOwl is easy to use, enabling us to innovate with our underwriters, not at them. This approach keeps our underwriters engaged, while driving meaningful innovation in our processes."

Erin McClintock

Director of Underwriting Innovations at Nationwide

"DigitalOwl wasn’t just about medical summaries or extracts for underwriters to consume, they were also bringing infrastructure for that data to be consumed later by machines in rules engines."

Rohan Chittal

Chief Underwriter at

AAA Life Insurance Company

"The standard RGA has landed on is the medical standard developed by the DigitalOwl team. Their standards allow more complex cases to run through automated underwriting systems. They also provide the next level of evidence optimization and strengthen the invaluable feedback loop around in-force assessments. The solution will also be “ACORD-aligned” to complement this emerging and important industry standard"

Dave Rengachary

Senior Vice President of U.S.
Individual Life Underwriting at RGA